Saturday, January 22, 2011

bluies photos

bluies 18th,19th,21st,22nd

January 18th:
To day we went down to Porters Pass!!!
We warmed up on:
Chasing amy*** 21
Pussy Wallow*22

then we did:
LaLa Land**** 24
Ken and Cory also did:
Escape velocity** 24

Then the sun  got the better pf us and we decided to give up trying to climb in the sun!

January 19th:
We wake up early and it feels like my fingers are on fire due to the lack of skin on them so the best place for us to head is back to Porters Pass where the holds seem to feel more polished then the other sharp crystle crimps of the blue mountains!!
We warmed up on some real cool climbs:
First we did Spread em Baby* 22 (a real tricky corner!!)
then we did Cutopia*23(needs to have more stars ) such a good climb that involved hard slabby crimps mixed with sand stone foot smears and burly " turn around and run your bum off" run outs.
Then we moved around the corner to do some recommended climbs!
First up was a climb called Dragons Egg*** 23
We also jumped on a cool but very tricky 27 on a slab!!! We managed to dog our way up most of it but then our feet got to sore after slipping off the crazy smear patches so we pulled out....
We decided that was enough for the day and we went back to the house!!

January 21st:
Today we woke up early and did the big long walk out to a crag called the Egg!!
We Warmed up on a climb called Funky Monkey *** 24( 2nd go)
Then we jumped on Glow***26 which ken got 2nd go and i flashed!!
Then i jumped on a climb called Headshot****27 which  managed to dog my way up but the heat was creaping in fast so i couldnt give it another go!!

January 22nd:
To day we  went down to Centennial Glenn:
We warmed up on a few climbs that we have done befor then i jumped back on to a climb called Wrong movements ****27 but the holds are very friction dependent and the friction was not very good to day!
Then we moved around the corner to the main cliff and we did Earnest in Africa**25 and Nev Herrod **23
Then we went evan ferther around the corner for ken to give his nemesis climb one last go before the end of the trip!!He got so close  so many times but just didnt get it in the end which was dissapointing for ken!!
On the way home i bot ken a cream egg for his birthday present haha!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

bluies 14th,5th,16th&17th of January

January 14th:
today we went to Zap cragg so ken can give pulse a go!!!!
He  pulled on to try and link the whole crux and snapped a crushal hold off!!!!
He was gutted!!!!
After that he was a bit sad so we left and went to Bardons lookout.
i finally got a climb called:
The way of all flesh*****28!
Then we went to Boronia point for ken to try:
Green Eggs And Ham****28
But Ken wasnt in the in the mood to try hard after breaking the hold on the other climb!!!haha

January 15th:
Today we went to Diamond Falls for the first time!!!!
It was realy cool but most of it was wet from the showers the day before!
we tried lots of cool stuff but got spanked on most of the harder stuff there but it was a realy cool place!!!

January 16th:
Today we went back to a place called Gateway!!
After a long warm up i jumped on my project a few times and finally managed to get it!!!
the climb is called:
Gateway* 28!!
it should definatly have more stars haha!!!

January 17th:
Today we went to to Shippley Upper for ken to warm up on:
These peaple are sandwiches***28
Hold on to your hats 18
Pallets of pies** 24
Then went to main cliff for ken to try:
Trix Roughly****26
He got it after a few tries!!!
Then we went down to Porters pass
Ken did:
Blackheathen****24(2nd go)

We got back home and went for a swim in the local pool.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

bluies 7th,8th,10th and 12th of January!!!!

7th of January:
To day the weather is not verry good but we are still able to climb!!!!
We decided to walk down to Porters Pass because we had heard that it stays dry in the rain and it is a place we havnt been to yet....
we warmed up on:
So Said The king**21
Nylon Happy ****22
Then i tried this real hard 25 but got spanked on it!!!!!
Then we went around the corner to try a climb called:
Self Portrait******29 it was real hard!!!!!!
then i tried this 26 called Sail Away wich ii didnt realy like!

8th January:
We went back t Bardons Lookout!!!
it was raining again but this cragg doesnt get wet!!!
After a few working sessions Ken managed to pull his way through the start and cruise his way to the top of a climb called:
The Way Of All Flesh*****28!!!!
I managed to pull through the start a couple of time but couldnt link it from the ground!!!
Hopefully next time i will do it!!!!!

10th of January:
The weather is still crap!!!!
decided to go to wave wall because we new it would be dry there !!!!
We did:
Jaqueline Hyde** 24
The Tube**24
Ken also did:
Shore Break **24

12th of January:
We went bacck to Wave Wall to repeat some climbs just to get some climbing in!!! instead of sitting at home hiding from the rain!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

bluies 30th,1st,3rd,4thand 6th!!!!

30th of december:
Today we went to a cragg called Logan Brae!!!!!!
Its a cool place with many awesome routes:
I did:
 >Elastic Analysis** 23
>Rain Maker** 24
>Dr Stein*****25 (flash)

Ken did:
>Room With A View**22
>The Never Believers***23
>Dr Stein***** 25 (onsight)
>Surprise Package***24

1st of january:
Today we went to shipley upper again!!!
I did:
>These peaple are sandwiches****22
>Pallets of Pies**24 (onsight)
>Then i tried a cool climb called Equaliser****28. It might go???

3rd of january:
Today we went back to Bardens Lookout!!!!!!
We both did the 26 version of a climb called The Way Of All Flesh which is the Batman start to it!!!
We both were getting close to doing the 28 start!!

4th of january:
Today we went to a cragg called Gate way!!!!
It was the first time we had been there and it was awesome!!!
I did:
>Smooth And Crunchy*18 ( i did it twice to warm up)
>Then i tried this climb called Gateway***28 which is so cool and i got real close a few times so i am real keen to go back there and send it!!!!! (i tried it about 4 times haha)

Ken did:
>Smooth and crunchy* 18
>tried a real hard looking 24 called The Amateur ** but didnt get it
> he tried Gateway once but it wasnt really his style
>He then tried this other climb which was a bit more his style called Super Sprimkle Cake **28

6th of january:
We went to a crag called Mitchells ridge!!!
It is a small but real cool place!!!
We jumped on the clssic climb called:
We both got it 2nd go. it is a real cool climb!!!!