hello everyone!!!! still having an awesome time at the bluies, dont want to come home! (sorry dad).
Over the last week or so the weather has been pretty good apart from the odd thunder storm at night!
I have taken advantage of the good conditions and sent a few of my projects and found a few more of my own. One of the projects that i have sent was a really cool climb at Shipley called Equaliser, a super classic grade 28/7c+/5.13a. I remember trying this last year and finding it pretty damn hard so i was super stoked about getting it 3rd pop this time! I found another awesome project about 20 minutes walk away called Self Portrait. A really cool crimpy line that goes straight up a dark steep face!
this picture is from the walk out after trying self portrait until we ran out of light (after untangling Jesses new rope)
Since Jesse arrived from NZ we have been climbing loads at the Glen and Boronia point. He has been ticking off a lot of 25s really quickly! and a few 26s. We also both jumped on this climb called Wrong movements in the Glen getting it pretty quickly giving jesse his first blue mountains 27/7c/5.12d. I returned to Boronia point and quickly sent Green Eggs And Ham on my second go and immediately found my next project called Dont Believe The Tripe 29/8a/5.13b. After a few working sessions we returned to the crag on a really freezing cold day with really low clouds. Surprisingly the rock was dry so conditions were perfect and i jumped straight on it, climbing away in to the clouds and sent it first pop that day! Jesse jumped back on Green Eggs And Ham feeling more rested than last time but didnt quite have the gas for the last move, coming off the jugs at the anchors. I know how he feels.....
Here's a picture of Jesse trying Equaliser just after I mashed my knuckles ripping a hold off Decodifier a 29/8a/5.13b just to the right.
We have also been climbing at a crag called Logan Brae, a short steep wall with lots of 23s-25s, so perfect for training. Jesse ticking off another 25 called Doctor Stein, the crag classic. I jumped on a 28/7c+/5.13a called E.I.E.I.O but got shut down on a single move.
Here's a picture of me getting some training in on the short but pumpy routes at Logan Brae.
Since Jesses arrival we have moved up in the world with our camping setup, but even combined, our cooking skills are minimal (basically living off nutella). Our campsite now boasts two tents and a tarp for a roof but still doesn't protect us from the bastard magpies!
Peace out peeps! Off to a par-tay with glenda!
HAHAHA i love that you can't cook, awesome to hear your climbing well and fantastic work on the equaliser!